Saturday, March 9, 2013

App Recommendations

In order to make it easier for us to find the information we are looking for, I'm starting this new topic regarding App Recommendations.

Post App names, price, a brief description of what it does (even one sentence), and if you've used it in the classroom, maybe you can describe this too.

So far the recommendations made in the previous post:

Jarrod- iPoe (Edgar Allean Poe)

Jimi- iTeacherBook (free last Wed) regular price $4.99.

Alex - Paperless, lite version is free, full version for $1.99- a list maker- you can create check boxes, priotritize, etc. 

Chris- AppsGoneFree, AppShopper, AppPriceDrop by Apple Slice, DiscoverApps - all to find free or reduced priced Apps.

Add your App discoveries!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. ShowMe - the ShowMe app (free) allows the creation of online "whiteboard" tutorials (like Khan Academy). The teacher or the student can easily draw and narrate the tutorial. It could be a good formative assessment tool. Here's a sample I did last year -

  3. If you wish to show power point presentations on the I-Pad there are two apps that I use for this. Dropbox is the online storage app that you should also download on your home computer. Its free, but has limited storage until you pay. If you put a power point in the dropbox folder on your home computer you can transfer it to another free app called slideshark so you can play it on your I-pad.

    Another app I use regularly is McTube. From McTube you can download youtube videos to your ipad and play them in the classroom. Of course you can only download these videos at home because the DOE blocks youtube.

    I use these apps daily and find them very useful for showing my powerpoints and video clips. Feel free to ask me any questions if your interested in using them.


  4. Jeff showed us wordle at the PD the other day, I also found an app that does the same thing called wordsalad that is free in the app store

